Sunday, October 29, 2006
Monday, October 09, 2006
CEO Vegeta. Si Kakaroto hace 1000 reuniones yo hare 10000!!!!

Vegeta will surely be Goku´s most energetic competitor. Determined to be the most powerfull CEO in the universe Vegeta competes against every market that Goku lays its hands on.
Here we see vegeta yelling KAKAROTO!!!! After Goku became the white horse that avoided Freezer's hostile takeover of Capsule Corp. Goku´s idea was not to own Capsule Corp. But for vegeta this was personal.
At every moment vegeta yells "If he can do 1000 meetings, I will do 10'000 meetings in a day!!!!" Of course vegeta got that good, but by the time he was capable of competing with Kakaroto, Goku had already purchased every corporation in the universe, trying to break down Freezer's Universal Monopoly. Vegeta had no choice but to work with Goku on this enterprise, or go unemployed against the biggest multi-monopolic empire in universal history (Freezer's Universal Monopoly) .
Sunday, October 08, 2006
WTF!!! OMG!!! WTF!!!! LOL ^_^ life is another shit!!!!!!!!!!! *0*
So last tuesday reality took one step back. Just when she said she had hit the point perfectly and had pulled the needle out of my back, everything disolved and I was here. Now that I think about it, how did I knew i was there? Because as incredible as it sounds today, they told me and I understood.
And when I researched it again it was so!!! People describe them as I saw them. SO fucking shit. Its like touching death and knowing you are coming back and knowing so much more from that. And suddenly I seemed to grasp a little bit of what it is to be alive for this consciousness. To be human and to feel what we feel down here, from someplace else....
The first time I heard of self replicating machine elves was talking to Corporate Vampire. And even if I somehow am not abel to belive what I saw, I had forgotten, in my present, everything about the idea of this incredible being beyond time. But as soon as it started they told me what was happening and I knew what it was, and I isntantly remembered the chat we had about a year ago, because they told me I had to tell my doctor what was happening .
Then I kept trying as hard as a I could to stay here but they told me to concentrate on them, on there mechanical music. To concentrate on their dancing creation of consciousness in a human form and I knew that I came here to feel. To feel in my flesh a life, a human life as I seemed fit, because everything else is just meaningless. The suffering, the thoughts, the feeling the anguish, everything that is involved in being alive. And I knew that I would return to be something else... something beyond human thought, something undescribable in language.
I paid a lot of attention to how real it felt. Because it felt beyond real. When I talked about it later on I found that these experiences come from using a drug called DMT. But what amazed me was that I did not take DMT. I was being treated with neural therapy; a form of accupunture.
When I returned so gratefull to have been witness to that in this life, I researched DMT and found out that "maybe" the natural occurrance of DMT in the human body came from the pineal gland. OMG!!! (fyi Descartes thought that the soul was located in the pineal gland because it is the only body in the brain that is not doubled in the two hemisferes. Other people have similar and even more far fetched ideas.)
The natural ocurrance of DMT? Of course!! We share every drug, every chemical all compounds with all life. Not in ways we could expect or understand. Its a complex world, built arround adaptation, change for preservation and life. (The fact that the protein secrated from a reptile could kill thousands of species should seem fantastic but it isnt). But to know that the place where DMT is produced is the pineal gland!!!! And another fantastic tip for the two or three persons that will read this and were ment to read it, yahe or ayahuasca is the herb that contains DMT!!!!!!!
WTF!!! OMG!!! WTF!!!! LOL ^_^ life is another shit!!!!!!!!!!! *0*
And when I researched it again it was so!!! People describe them as I saw them. SO fucking shit. Its like touching death and knowing you are coming back and knowing so much more from that. And suddenly I seemed to grasp a little bit of what it is to be alive for this consciousness. To be human and to feel what we feel down here, from someplace else....
The first time I heard of self replicating machine elves was talking to Corporate Vampire. And even if I somehow am not abel to belive what I saw, I had forgotten, in my present, everything about the idea of this incredible being beyond time. But as soon as it started they told me what was happening and I knew what it was, and I isntantly remembered the chat we had about a year ago, because they told me I had to tell my doctor what was happening .
Then I kept trying as hard as a I could to stay here but they told me to concentrate on them, on there mechanical music. To concentrate on their dancing creation of consciousness in a human form and I knew that I came here to feel. To feel in my flesh a life, a human life as I seemed fit, because everything else is just meaningless. The suffering, the thoughts, the feeling the anguish, everything that is involved in being alive. And I knew that I would return to be something else... something beyond human thought, something undescribable in language.
I paid a lot of attention to how real it felt. Because it felt beyond real. When I talked about it later on I found that these experiences come from using a drug called DMT. But what amazed me was that I did not take DMT. I was being treated with neural therapy; a form of accupunture.
When I returned so gratefull to have been witness to that in this life, I researched DMT and found out that "maybe" the natural occurrance of DMT in the human body came from the pineal gland. OMG!!! (fyi Descartes thought that the soul was located in the pineal gland because it is the only body in the brain that is not doubled in the two hemisferes. Other people have similar and even more far fetched ideas.)
The natural ocurrance of DMT? Of course!! We share every drug, every chemical all compounds with all life. Not in ways we could expect or understand. Its a complex world, built arround adaptation, change for preservation and life. (The fact that the protein secrated from a reptile could kill thousands of species should seem fantastic but it isnt). But to know that the place where DMT is produced is the pineal gland!!!! And another fantastic tip for the two or three persons that will read this and were ment to read it, yahe or ayahuasca is the herb that contains DMT!!!!!!!
WTF!!! OMG!!! WTF!!!! LOL ^_^ life is another shit!!!!!!!!!!! *0*